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The strangest looking leading man, John Krasinski, is just that. His first two ventures into Library Horror, the Quiet Place franchise, were hits. And for good reason(s).

They were well scripted. Try writing two hours of entertainment without any meaningful dialogue.

They were well paced.

Both presented a unique plot and story arcs.

And both garnered critical acclaim and financial profits.

How do you follow up part 2?

You STUPIDLY make a prequel. One that causes audiences, who partook of parts 1 and 2 to say, out loud, "Wait a second, we already witnessed the arrival of the world's most disgusting creatures."

Okay, second most disgusting for anyone who watched the DNC in August.

To the movie.

Perhaps Krasinski should have insisted on A Quiet Place: The Other Arrival. Or, A Quiet Place: What Manhattan Looks Like Today.

Either title might have tipped off theater-goes to enough salient information they may have forgiven the marketing dopes in Hollywood for pulling a fast one.

And that would have been good, because A Quiet Place: Day One is an excellent horror film. Yes it is.

Let's get the virtue-signaling out of the way.

There is an outstanding performance by the noble, empowered, obligatory POC, Lapita Nyong'o. An equally strong turn by the effete, de-balled white male, Joseph Quinn. And an appearance by the always reliable, Djimon Hounsou. Hounsou is the device which reminds us the Caucasian population of America is at about 2%, and of those, none have any testosterone.

In brief, the combo insect-reptile aliens descend on Manhattan, and refuse to be taken in by the empty promises of the Liberals who have ruined the city. Oh no. The bugs slaughter the neo-Stalinists by the thousands.

The creatures may yet be the saving grace of humanity. We will just have to wait for A Quite Place: James Carville STFU.

Lupita (Samira) and Joseph (Eric) survive several mortal onslaughts and eventually make their way to Harlem to grab pizza at Patsy's . . . which is really in East Harlem, but far be it for Hollywood to tally any truths in a movie. After chowing down and reminiscing about Samira's piano-playing father, they make a final run for it and attempt to board a boat leaving the five boroughs. The aliens cannot swim, which is unfortunate because some Liberals do escape the carnage and will now poison the rest of the United States with their abject stupidity.

This film is a nine out of ten . . . for real. Ignore the first two installments and pretend they never happened. Make believe. You know, like Democrats do.

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