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PUPPY LOVE - Shut Up, and Get a Dog


Yes, predictable.

Don't care.

Puppy Love is EVERYTHING Yours truly loves about Rom-Coms, and BONUS!, it has dogs.

Lots of 'em.

In particular, Chloe, the King Charles Spaniel of Max (Grant Gustin, badly in need of a shave), a claustrophobic, agoraphobic, germaphobic, phobe. And, Channing Tatum, the mutt of Nicole (Lucy Hale, who is the size of a midnight snack).

These two canines are the stars of the movie. Chloe, through a happenstance of a playdate ends up carrying the puppies of Channing Tatum. Therefore, the owners of the strays (Max and Nicole) have to come to terms with their mutual dislike of each other.

And you know what that means.

Yes, Max and Nicole will fall in love.

It is one of the pre-ordained laws of Rom-Coms. It would be a preposterous turn of events if not for the dogs.

The film is so dominated by the four-legged, ya just don't mind the stupidity of the two-legged, in particular Max, the OCD-suffering leading man. Lucy Hale is just so darned cute and charming NO SINGLE heterosexual man would pass up an opportunity to spend intimate time with her, but Max manages to do that to the point of ludicrousness.

But those dogs!

Netflix, Prime, and HULU



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