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Thank you, George Carlin.

The transcendent comic's bit on airline mishaps included a brief riff on a newspaper story about two commercial jets which almost collided mid-air. As George would explain;

"I think they got it wrong in the newspaper. A collision involving 500 people ain't a near-miss . . . Noooooo . . . that's a near-HIT!"

That is what's called A Valid Point.

And let's extend that to the current vicious commentary by our beloved Main Stream Media.

Over the past couple of months, two attempts have been made on former President and current Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump. While I hate wasting time, I'll have to ask the question which never gets answered.

"If this had happened to Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, what would the coverage and commentary be by psychopaths such as Lester Holt, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O'Donnell?"

We all know the answer. The hyperbole, if measurable on a Decibel Meter would spike above 200 and stay there for weeks. The would-be assailants would be hounded for about eight seconds until it was discovered they were both vigilant invested Leftists.

Then the concentration/invective/comments of the stooges would turn to blaming the Donald for the actions of the Leftist Lunatics.

Which, ironically, is exactly what the empty-headed faux journalists are doing right now. They are blaming the Donald for assassination attempts on the Donald. More than half the country would laugh, if it were actually funny.

This might be difficult for my Liberal friends, but THINK about it.

JFK was shot by a Communist. Some propose that Jack Kennedy was targeted by a combination of the Mafia, the FBI, and Hollywood. Perhaps JFK brought that on himself? Sure.

Gerald Ford was shot at by Lynette Fromme, an acolyte of Charles Manson. What did Jerry ever do to Charlie? Musta been bad, but don't remember Dan Blather making that connection.

Ronald Reagan nearly died at the hands of radical, John Hinckley. President Reagan could be blamed for his comments on more Spartan Federal Spending. Or could he? Don't remember one single comment about that. Hinckley was in inveterate loser and insane.

That last descriptor covers our latest two members of The I Wanna Be Infamous Club. I refuse to name them.

But I do know who to blame for encouraging these Democrat Party Proxies.

A short list as follows:

  • ABC

  • NBC

  • CBS

  • PBS

  • The New York Times

  • The L.A. Times

  • The Washington Post

  • The Philadelphia Inquirer

  • The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

  • The Boston Globe

  • The Chicago Tribune

  • The Miami Herald


  • CNN

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn

Nowhere on that list is the name, Donald J Trump.

The media is to blame . . . period.

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