You only get one shot at the mysterious thing called life.
We are returning to NYC at the end of December.
Yes. Gasp! I’ve left a few things out, haven’t I?
Nearly three months have elapsed since the last entry, the day we lost Zeppo Marx, our 15 plus year old golden retriever. Was not expecting add to this journal, but given the ongoing need for a seeming endless supply of Democratic governors and mayors with a unilateral response to Covid, it appears Lee, the dogs, and I will remain on the move.
Since Zeppo’s passing, I have been accepted to graduate school (CUNY) for my MFA in Creative Writing; received a publishing contract for TIME Blinked, a time-travel/baseball novel; and booked a month long stay in Siesta Key, Florida for March of 2021.
Why not celebrate the one year anniversary of 15 Days to Hashtag Flatten the Curve? And the Gulf Coast of Florida sounds a lot better than the Home of Armageddon, the City Formerly known as New York.
We’ll still be flattening it at the rate we’re going, so pop the champagne and light the fireworks!
One more anecdote for 2020.
Shortly after Zeppo passed, I returned to NYC for the FINAL Invisalign treatment. Had to fly, which was fine, since first class tickets were going for $600 round trip, Denver to New York. Not liking the stupid mask restriction, but a desire to NOT have to wear an aligner for 22 hours a day is strong motivation.
During the flight, again first class cabin, from behind me I hear;
“Sir, put your mask on. I’m not going to ask you again.”
“Actually, ma’am, you have yet to ask me.”
“Sir, put your mask on.”
I heard an exhalation. Then.
“You first.”
The flight attendant had left hers in the service compartment.
I love flying.