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THE HILARIOUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2020 Sucked and I Blame the Democrats


I Got a Haircut!

A Haircut! Huzzah!

Do I have to go into detail?

     Yes I do.

     The venue, Danielle's Barbershop on Thames Street in Groton, shares a duplex space with a Tattoo Parlor. I believe it's the closest I've ever gotten to doing something stupid.

     Danielle's, though, is just exquisite. The stylists, all six of them, were professional and hard-working, which is saying something given the near surgical prep required now to cut your hair. Crystal, my stylist, pleasant and engaging.

     Danielle runs a tight ship.

     But a friendly and courteous one, and given the onerous requirements by the bureaucrats, that is saying something.

If New York City continues to be The City That Can't Get Out Of Its Own Way, I will be driving the 125 miles to Danielle's for a haircut.




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