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THE HILARIOUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2020, The Year Liberals Surpassed Stupid



Remember the AIDs Scare? If you're old enough, you should. It's the same playbook. Cow the populace into changing their behavior based on hyperbole and misinformation. Don't listen to the experts. They're not.

Every few weeks, the following headlines are blared across media like it's VE Day in 1945.

     "Overrated Pop Singer Contracts Covid19! Has Warning for The Little People."

     "30-Year-Old Marathon Runner in ICU with Covid19!"

     "Recent Riot-Destroyed Large Urban Area Reports SPIKE in Covid19!"

     Okay, I took some liberties with that last one. Not one stooge in the main stream press would dare connect BLM riots with the Coronavirus.

     Nor would one stooge in the main stream press NOT take advantage of opportunity to put forth the false narrative (as they did with AIDs) that "EVERYBODY CAN DIE A HORRIBLE, OXYGEN-STARVED DEATH FROM CV19."

     I believe CV19 is real. Have stated that numerous times before.

     What is unreal is the amount of hyperbole associated with the infinitesimally small number of famous people, young people, and deaths associated with the virus.

     Boomer that I am, the AIDs Scare (And yes, it was called that) is a fresh memory. During the initial days of that pandemic, no one was quarantined and we were HAMMERED by the press and medical experts (Hah!) that ANYONE could contract Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and DIE.

     Anyone. Gay. Straight. Male. Female. Didn't matter. We were all susceptible.

     Turned out not to be true. Also, turns out that there were requests to quarantine the At Risk population, but the ACLU got involved and KILLED more gay men than AIDs could have if those aforementioned measures had been taken.

     The bureaucrats have taken advantage of CV19 to restrict about everything that makes America so much better and so much more inspirational than any other place on the planet. That includes the august Scandinavian countries . . . okay, Sweden walked off the reservation, but good for them.

     However, kudos to the bureaucrats. They learned something from the AIDs Scare.

     They learned that the only thing to be gained from quarantining the vulnerable is an inability to exert full and total control on the population. Whatever you do, if you're an incompetent elected official, do not use common sense. Make sure you institute the One Size Fits None methodology endemic to governments.

     It will give you something to do.



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