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WWII nostalgia made quite the comeback in the past ten years. Lee and I planned and executed a successful self-guided tour from Berlin to London to Paris to Normandy in 2014.     

     Everywhere we visited, including the Holocaust Museum and Memorials, filled me with the hope and resolve of the human spirit. There is nothing like it.

     For those of you currently wrapping yourselves in swaddling capitulation, take some solace in the knowledge that during the darkest of recent times (Black Monday, The Great Depression, WWII, Polio, The Cold War, The Iran Hostage Crisis, Oil Embargo, 9/11, The Real Estate Crash. Whew! That's exhausting.), people come through on the other side better.

     And by people, I mean Americans. Without us, the world is collection of theme park countries, tin-pot dictatorships, and third-world landfills.

     With all due respect to the aforementioned.

     If you are searching for entertainment based on the resilience of a species known as Homo Sapiens, and who isn't, please take in the spirit-affirming "Home Fires," available on Amazon Prime. Be forewarned the series did not get a renewal after Season 2, which has left its most ardent fans screwing themselves into the ground.

     There is a review of the show by Yours truly on Facebook. Should you wish the entire brilliant posting, please DM me and I'll send you a link.

     Doctor Fauci, Bill "My Hair is on Fire!" de Blasio, and Sonny Cuomo are continuing with their soul-crushing attempts to school you on self-barricading for the next decade, but don't let them.    

     Rise above the political grandstanding and the moving goal-posts (#FlattenTheCurve!, Lower the Infection Ratio, Uh Test Test Test, No Wait . . . I'll think of something to keep you scared and at home), and take in "Home Fires."

     If its eternal optimism tempered with reality does not have you weeping and laughing, you're perfect for the Capitulation-in-Place currently espoused by the incompetent leadership we have thrust upon ourselves.

     And in these difficult and unprecedented--    

     Oh, shut up.



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