Had Enough Yet? Evidently Not.
A Q&A for all you Capitulating in Place.
This will be more of a Q & A than an article. Get a pencil and a piece of paper. I'll be collecting your responses at the end of the Stupidity Currently Engulfing Us.
Q: Every time some Hollywood Celeb or room temperature IQ news anchor tells you to "Stay Safe" and "We're All In This Together" do you;
- Scream
- Destroy your (TV, Radio, Computer)
- Punch yourself in the face . . . repeatedly
Q: Who is going to win Dumbass Politician of the Year?
- Gretchen Whitmer
- Bill de Blasio
- Phil Murphy
Q: What is Andrew "Sonny" Cuomo's favorite word?
- Ventilators
- Ventilators
- Ventilators
Q: What is Andrew "Sonny" Cuomo's second favorite word?
- Meatball
- Mom
- Ventilator
Q: Why haven't any businesses in NYC reopened?
- Bill de Blasio is a stoner with no clue as to what is actually going on.
- Andrew Cuomo panicked when his blood sugar dropped due to meatless spaghetti sauce.
- Any chance to stick it to Donald Trump is worth the carnage being caused to lives, livelihoods, and citizens.
Q: How many beds did the Javits Center Hospital fill in the last month?
- Zero
- A few more than Zero
- Basically, Zero
Q: How many beds did the Central Park Temp Hospital fill in the last month?
- Zero
- A few more than Zero
- Basically, Zero
Q: Which Democratic politician is dumber than AOC?
- None of them
- All of them
- Patty Murphy (Google it)
Q: What are the odds the Main Stream Media will keep a running total of deaths due to surgeries and treatments delayed due to the POSSIBILITY of hospital overload.
- One in a Gazillion
- Zero
- About Zero
That's all for today, a rainy one here on the northern Connecticut coast.