We have given up. We really have. Today a statue of Teddy Roosevelt is being taken down, AND the name of the Eskimo Pie is being changed.
Love to say that this is yet another joke by Yours truly, but it is not. America has capitulated to a mob that has no end game. It does, but an undefinable one since it will never, ever stop until they are obliterated, either ideologically or physically. Yes, you read that last sentence correctly. This collection of spoiled brats, self-indulgent narcissists, aging hippies, and guilt-ridden white Liberals has overstepped, advocating for the removal of statues that represent southern heroes of the Civil War. A denial of past history is NOT a good move, nor is it one that should be ignored by America's flaccid leadership. Yet, the amount of pushback on this undefined mob is non-existent.
And today's update? The Museum of Natural History is taking down the iconic statue of Teddy Roosevelt. Y'all do know President TR's mug is on Mount Rushmore? Will there will a Million Moron March to the Dakotas, and the hiring of Kreuger Industrial Smoothing to change the four faces to Al Sharpton, Colin Kaepernick, Mark Cuban, and Barack Obama? Yeah, there's four jackasses I'd take the kids to see. AND the worst of it? Changing the name of Eskimo Pies. Beyond stupid. Woody Allen, the subject of yesterday's article regarding the disappearance of humor in day-to-day life, directed a movie, "Bananas." The subject matter is a successful military coup of a Third World Nation. As soon as the new leader is installed, he dictates the following:
- The national language of the newly conquered Banana Republic is changed from Spanish to Swedish
- Underwear is to be worn on the OUTSIDE of all clothing
Expect more of the same brilliant and cataclysmic changes coming to the United States.
Before that happens I have a few requests for the vicious losers destroying things.
- Just once, I'd like someone I know to tell me where on the planet is a nation with more to offer more people
- If you really want to exact change, hike your cowardly butts over to the Middle-East. There you will find more racism, poverty, homophobia, sexism, and crime then you can shake a placard at.
- And if you want to improve things for everyone, get a job; work hard; raise a family; pay some taxes; get and stay involved in your children's schools; elect people who promise you less; and . . .
. . . STFU