The residents of New York have spent six months destroying their city. The mayor and governor, both insane, are now drunk (or stoned in de Blasio's case) with power & will not relinquish it.
Hasn't even been 24 hours in The City Of Submissive Chattel since returning. A few items before the Xanax is mainlined from the IV bag.
In The Longest Yard, Michael Conrad confronts Burt Reynolds, who is throwing the football game to the prison guards, "Hey, Superstar, what sort of deal did you make with Hazen? Huh? And they're killing those guys out there!" Conrad accuses Burt Reynolds, an ex-pro named Paul Crew, now incarcerated and the convicts' team captain and quarterback, of tanking in order to protect his fellow inmates from getting the crap beaten out of them by the correctional officers semi-pro team. If anything, the cons are going to the hospital in droves.
The same thing is happening in NYC. Manhattanites wear masks like they're attending a formal ball in Vienna during the Christmas Holidays. They socially distance so far they run into people behind them. And they crush their immune systems by huddling in a corner during beautiful Autumn days.
And what have the herds of face-covered sheep gotten for their SIX MONTHS OF EFFORT TO HASHTAG FLATTEN THE CURVE?
The Restaurants are STILL CLOSED to indoor dining. The gyms are open, but any cardio workout will cut off the oxygen to your brain triggering hypoxia. Public transportation resembles a corpse train from a Wes Craven film.
NYC has cut a BAD DEAL with the dopes that run the city, i.e. the governments of Woodstock Bill de Blasio and Sonny "The Ventilator" Cuomo. The residents, for all their compliance, have gotten NOTHING except continued admonishments for their lack of vigilance; confiscation of liquor licenses; weakened resistance to the upcoming cold and flu season; and an ongoing lack of foresight by the two ELECTED dopes in charge.
Way to go, New Yorkers. Even more than your leaders, YOU are responsible for this continued submission.