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THE HILARIOUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC Government Intelligence, Winner of Best Oxymoron 249 Years in a Row


It's Officially December 40th, 2020

I find memes cheap, lazy humor, but this one with the pudding-faced Bill Murray is a classic. See below.

Will wring all the comic juice out of the “It’s still 2020” as long as possible.

 Today some of the old New York grit showed itself.

 Of course it was Yours truly who showed the grit.

 Way back in the Spring of 2020, during the height of the Lighting Hair On Fire era, The Donald (Love that old nickname) promised Americans a vaccine for Covid-19 before the end of the year.

 COURTESY REMINDER: This was the era of Orange Man Bad.

The Hysterical Left, including Kamala the Dunce, lambasted the proclamation. Sonny Cuomo denigrated the effort. As did Tony Baloney Fauci.

 Additionally, when given enough Adderall, President House Plant said, “Hemafadfaf a afdsa afadajdlsfjlj demdafmd a fadlafa.” The Useful Idiots in the press translated this as “Biden the Magnificent stated the vaccine effort by President Trump was stupid.”

 Or something to that effect.

 No matter. We got the vaccine.

 Enter the bureaucracy of inept health departments. Yes, the vaccine is available. And yes, there will be a website questionnaire which will take the over-65 crowd a year to complete. Most will succumb to Covid or old age by then, saving the Fed lots of money.

 Wish I were making that up.

 On January 11th (December 41st, 2020), received an email from a friend. Seems the website rollout to register for the shot(s) was so bad health officials would take anyone who could find their way to the Javits Center and be willing to state, “I tried to register, but the site kept crashing.”

 To get the vax, you had to be 65 and older. Yours truly is 63. No matter. I wanted to beta test the incompetence of the government for the wife, who is over 65. If I could get through, she’d have no problem.

 I ran the 25 blocks to Javits.

 Expecting lines out the door, I found few people there who weren’t working the site. Got in line and my turn came. I offered the following story.

 “Yes, I tried to register but the site kept crashing. I have a medical exemption due to my COPD (I am asthmatic), and uploaded the document to the site. Have no idea if it was received, as the site went down right after that. I have a hard copy with me.”

 Of course I had no such thing.

 They waved me through.

 Officially vaxxed as of December 41st, 2020, and boosted as of December 65th, 2020.

 Government programs. Long may you be gamed.



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