Gone from my daily scrolling is LinkedIn and Twitter.
I have officially thrown in the towel on LinkedIn. The erstwhile social media site for business is nothing more than Facebook 2.0, or for you hipper types, Hashtag Facebook.
Also decided to halt these daily blog posts about our escape from The City That Used To Know How. Giving up on lambasting Woodstock Bill de Blasio, Sonny "The Ventilator" Cuomo, and any other politician invested in defeating Donald Trump by destroying the livelihoods of the people they were elected to serve.
Which leaves me two more weeks in Boulder to come up with some topics to apply writing skills amounting to 500 words.
Since Twitter no longer has me to data mine, it is time to get busy living again. Don't mistake. I am still wearing the useless mask as little as possible, and to accuse the bureaucrats of making decisions based upon litigation mitigation, which is the only reason for restricting and constricting our economy any further.
That to which I am referring is a return to working on the four books I consider worthwhile to market. Draculand, The Google Earth Murders, Try Not to Annoy the Kangaroo, and Time Blinked. The traditional publishing path has narrowed to the thickness of an inhuman hair, so I will be pursuing writing contests; going directly to small, independent publishers, and hocking my agent, Bill Gladstone, more frequently.
And please add (Working Title) The Era of The Great Stupidity, which is a collection of at least 150 entries during the six months of our exodus from NYC. Yes, I have been writing these diary type postings for so long, I have another 50,000 word plus book with which to chase down a publisher.
Wish me luck, and pray for a lifting of the mask requirements.