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THE HILARIOUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC Never, EVER give the Left control again. NEVER



Don't bother with the news, no matter what your ideological predisposition is. Instead, read the Babylon Bee!

If you haven't been whipsawed by the news over the past, oh, 25 years or so, you're either blind and deaf, or three days dead. There is no chance of keeping up with the various contradictory articles. And if you're an ideologue, you cannot escape the roller-coaster ride of events such as the following:

     - Bill Clinton's Impeachment

     - 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden

     - The Real Estate Meltdown. Was it private sector? Public? Both?

     - The oxymoronically named Affordable Care Act

     - The 2016 Election

     - Donald Trump and Russia, Collusion, Mueller, Ukraine, Stormy, Avenatti, Etcetera

     - CV19, The Riots, BLM

     The Journalism Methodology of Caffeine, Chocolate, and Red Wine took over. If all the articles written since 1995 were collected and thrown into the Blender of Bias, the end result would be . . .

     . . . an empty blender.

     No one goes to jail. No one leaves the public forum. No event craters America.

     Unlike the catharsis of the end of World Wars, or crumbling of The Berlin Wall, nothing ever seems to resolve in the world. Media, which is dependent upon a 24 hour news cycle is the culprit. The Malaysian Airliner will forever be a mystery. Al Capone's vault? Maybe Al moved everything to the Cayman's, Geraldo's next junket. Dick Nixon and Joe McCarthy's corpses will be exhumed on an annual basis to make sure they're really dead.

     What to do with all this lack of closure?

     Read the Babylon Bee.


     If you want to remove yourself from an onslaught that will contradict itself, 24 hours a day, immerse your eyeballs in The Bee. Ignore the stories about spiking cases in the state of X, which is always followed by a story on the jacked up reports of shenanigans in the reporting of CV19 in the state of X. Instead, follow the revised deaths of Goliath, King Tut, and Chester Alan Arthur. All now attributed to CV19.

     That's a joke, folks.



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