More so because of the University than the actual reptiles.
This stopover is unnecessary as Siesta Key is only three more hours away. But the drive is exhausting enough, and the dogs need breaks, so here we are in the land of the short-legged dinosaur.
Actually don’t expect to see any.
And I wasn’t disappointed.
Astro, though, has taken a fancy to the geckos that inhabit the Sunshine State. Not an easy dog to control on a leash, he really wants to track the little devils down and probably kill and eat them. Have no idea what that would do to his digestive system, but decided not to find out.
Not sure, but I could swear it ain’t 35 degrees outside.
Also, not seeing any pedestrians out for a night time walk wearing face coverings.
Tomorrow, we leave for, and arrive in, Siesta Key. The stomach roiling disgust I feel for anyone in a mask has not dissipated, but there are far fewer (the occasional desk clerk) people “required” to wear them.
According to former film industry friends, Erik and Chris, some Sarasota stores have signs requiring them, but no one is enforcing.
I’d prefer the whole mask mandate go the way of the Dodo bird, but appointed bureaucrats need something to do. A compliant population is also required to keep the inert public employees awake, so bear that in mind the next time some slob like Bill de Blasio closes your kids elementary school.
He can’t do it, if enough people tell him to piss off.
Wonder if New Yorkers will ever have that sort of grit again.