I used to say this before Rudy Giuliani came along. I'm saying it again, because New York City does suck. Big time.
Boulder, Colorado? Rehoboth Beach, Delaware? Cape May, New Jersey?
Options, please. Lee and I are about ready to run screaming out of Manhattan. de Blasio has fried even more brain cells, and the World's Tallest Turd didn't have many to start with.
Sonny "The Ventilator" Cuomo is threatening New Yorkers, all smarter than he, with shutting down their Summer outlets, except for the looting and rioting. Chuck Schumer is nowhere to be found, which is a good thing.
As stated, New York City is no longer New York City. It is filled with herds of sheep, covering their fear-stricken mugs with hand towels. Broadway is a big, fat performing arts vacuum. The ballet dancers are all gaining weight, since taking class at home just blows. The musicians are starving more than usual, and not practicing.
Indoor dining and gyms are not available because, well, no one knows. It has something to do with ventilation, but you'd think Cuomo would know all about that and fix the problem.
But no one wants to fix a darned thing.
Nope. Let's keep the fear-mongering going. It's so much easier than governing. More headlines that scream:
"XXXXXX Happens as Virus RAGES!"
"XXXXXX Cuts Services as Covid Cases SPIKE!"
"The Third-World Country, XXXXXXX’s Death Rate 1/1,000,000th of America's!"
All of this engendered by a media intent on virtue signaling their contempt for any and all things traditional and American.
So, please. Get me out of New York City. There's nothing to do, and I cannot look at de Blasio, Cuomo, and Schumer one more time without wanting to take a hostage.