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THE HILARIOUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC Reminder: Socially Engineering a Town or City will FUCK IT UP. Guaranteed.



A stolen quote: “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”

A heads up to all my loyal followers. Yes, both of you. Once we pull up stakes in Colorado, the daily postings of our Escape from The City That Used To Know How may come to an end.

     What began in early April as a 30 day project to pass the time as we Hashtag Flattened The Curve, turned into a half-year, soul-crushing, Xanax-popping exercise in documenting how genuinely stupid state governors and city mayors are.

     "All politics is local," opined Tip O'Neill.

     Yes, Tipper, and all locals are stupid.

     Spent 30 years of my remarkable life in proximity to Berkeley, CA, a refuge of strung out hippie professors, spoiled brats, and progressive politics on steroids. Have no idea what the berg looks like now, but for all 30 years it resembled an East German hamlet with a University larded on top of it.

     Had the pleasure of working with Lance Armstrong in the middle of his incredible run of Tour de France titles. Mister Alps and Pyrennees lived in Austin, Texas. Another refuge of strung out hippie professors, spoiled brats, and progressive politics on steroids. Another city that has screwed itself by continually electing Democrats to lead the retreat to urban blight, confiscatory taxes, and homeless encampments.

     And now Boulder, one more refuge of strung out hippie professors, spoiled brats, and progressive politics on steroids.

     The history of the city is one of traditional Americans settling the West and carving a very nice town out of the foothills of the Rockies. It has turned into a mecca of over-educated former Californians not content with ruining one beautiful state.

     Do not begrudge the isolation and deep blue color of New York and California. If only we could get the ideologically retarded to stay where they are and put a bio-dome over the area.

     That way the rest of us could live peaceful, happy, productive lives and not worry about the cancer of liberalism metastasizing to our neighborhoods.



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