Back to NYC, which has NOT improved. Don't know what can save it. Perhaps it's best if it is not. A new city will rise from its ashes. Better than ever. Given present condition, that will be easy.
Sad to think the days of Kafkaesque street theater would no longer dominate the walkways and businesses of NYC. But it does. Easily convinced citizens don their colorful masks and keep no less than a mile away from everyone. They shop, inhaling badly circulated air and their own bacteria. They socialize as though Heinrich Himmler had reserved the table next to them for YouKnowWho.
NYC, led by a Mayor as overweight and untalented as Emperor Nero, has the look and feel of Bergman's "Seventh Sign?" Once you've plummeted this far in a Dante Alighieri comedy, the metaphors are many, but not varied, nor discernible.
Yet here we are. Our escape to Connecticut, then Delaware, then New Jersey, over. After less than 48 hours in this depressing version of Lincoln, Nebraska, the Big Apple has all the appeal of a 66-year-old hooker, or Bette Midler, which is about the same thing, only Bette is 76. Bars and Restaurants, all set for indoor dining, received notice that would not be happening as promised on July 6th. Why? Because so much testing is going on throughout the United States that the number of CV19 cases is on the rise.
And if you think that's weird, Sonny Cuomo has not even put a Phase together to include gyms, dance studios, and rehearsal spaces. How is that possible? Well, the governor is concerned about . . . ventilation.
Not making that up. Cuomo, whose rallying cry during the early shutdown stages consisted of "Ventliatuhs! Flatten Da Coive! Ventliatuhs! Flatten Da Coive!" is checking into adequate air circulation before he will bless those sweaty workout places.
Haven't heard the phrase "Flatten the Curve" lately? Of course not. We did months ago so we wouldn't stress the healthcare system. Did that too. Why then all the ongoing angst about a virus that is asymptomatic and/or mild in 90% of cases. Won't answer that.
Despite the ludicrousness of all the ludicrous government rules, which outstrip the stupidity of Congress, New York looks to be in a death spiral, and one from which it will never, ever recover.
Is this possible?