And Onto Delaware!
Next trip to escape the stupidity that is The City That Used To Know How. I'll leave Bill de Blasio's daily setting of his hair on fire to the locals we live behind for our next adventure.
After a week in NYC, it is time for another adventure which doesn't involve imbeciles rioting in the streets; submissive lunkheads wearing masks and kneeling; and depressing stooges in the media telling us about a non-existent second wave of The Black Death.
Okay, I admit that last one is pervasive. I'm sure Delaware has its share of news stations and reporters that will buy into the media narrative of "We're All Gonna Die!
But the hair salons are open for Lee. And outdoor dining on Fenwick Island, near our rental in Selbyvile, DE, is going full bore. We're off this afternoon. It's a 3.5 hour drive. For the return trip, we will partake of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry.
I'm sure Mister Moose, our 60 pound car-phobic Catahoula will love that.
More to come.