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TULSA KING: Season 2


After getting sandbagged by the uber-sexy ATF agent (Andrea Savage) at the conclusion of Season 1 of Tulsa King, Sylvester Stallone is back.

Yes, replete with Kevlar-grade gut brace, Dwight Manfredi makes bail, and is on the hunt to expand his legal (ahem) Marijuana business. His methodology might include government green energy subsidies and locking ranch-bred horns with Neal McDonough. The pale-eyed McDonough (Cal Thresher) even looks like a worthy adversary, something Manfredi hasn't run into in ten episodes.

The set-up episode is a decent recap of everything to day. If you've not been playing along at home, Manfredi (Mob name, "The General) has been exiled to Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has just finished a 25-year stretch as a cover for the viciously inept Dominick Lombardozzi (Chickie), who heads the cosa nostra family of which Manfredi is now a former member.

Manfredi takes to Tulsa like an Presidential candidate / amateur sex worker takes to a new pair of four-inch stilettos. He commandeers a local cannabis shop; partners up with tough-as-180 proof grain alcohol bar owner; and romances Dana Delaney.

But he's now intruding on black market hustles, and that brings the initial ire of Caolan Waltrip (Richie Waltrip), who is dispatched. However, he's drawn in regional mobster Cal Thresher, and that might be a problem.

Thresher knows all about Manfredi and suggests Dwight might wanna take the next Midwestern Arrow Amtrak outta town.

Not a chance.

Paramount Plus. Sunday nights.



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