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WHEN HARRY MET SALLY - Patience Rewarded


The comedy reviews continue.

Full disclosure: The courtship between the significant other and this reviewer took the better part of a year before the two of us enjoyed a fun date. The marriage is closing in on 40 years.

But the Man/Woman tete-a-tete between Meg Ryan (Sally Albright) and Billy Crystal (Harry Burns) took more than TEN YEARS.

The film opens on the campus of the University of Chicago in 1977. Harry Burns is bidding a tearful and French-kissed filled farewell to his girlfriend, Amanda Rice. A moment later, Sally Albright pulls up in her station wagon. She and Harry are driving from the University to New York City where both are starting careers. Eighteen hours of driving later, the two have discussed existentialism, Sheldon (Sally's panty obsessed boyfriend), and sleeping together (A big NO on the part of Ms. Albright).

By the time they hit The Big Apple, it has been determined they can't be friends, because men and women can't just be friends. The sex things is always there, even if it's playing in the background.

Five years later, Harry is hustling through the airport and bumps into Sally's beau . . . and Sally where the beau is bidding Sally an emotional and French-kissed au revoir as Ms. Albright is boarding a flight.

Harry recognizes the beau, name of Joe, but Sally fails to register with Harry.

However, they're on the same plane, and Harry does recognize her and asks using a fist-pumping action if they ever, you know, performed the horizontal bop. They end up sitting together, but Harry's request of dinner together is rebuffed as is any further conversation on the moving walkway at their destination.

And another five years later . . .

. . . okay, maybe you've caught on. God has decided to throw these two together no matter how annoying Harry is, or how disinterested Sally appears. By the time these two finally say "I do" and "We do," they've chased off two blind dates (One each), slept together leading to a very awkward morning after, exchanged insults and jokes, watched their best friends get married, and come this close to alienating each other forever.

But an endearing New Year's Eve party finally connects them, despite the best efforts of the two to part for an eternity.

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